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E-Newsletter: Spring 2022, Volume 6, Issue 4 Now Available

April 4, 2022

The spring season is here. We know that allergies are a hot topic during the spring. Therefore, just in time for the season, our Spring 2022 newsletter, An Eye on Allergies, focuses on allergies. In addition to seasonal allergies commonly associated with spring, the newsletter includes reminders and resources related to different types of allergies. These tips and resources are intended to help you keep children healthy and safe. We invite you to read the newsletter and share.


Webinar Archive: “COVID-19 in NC and the ChildCareStrongNC Public Health Toolkit: What You Need to Know Now”

March 22, 2022

Great news!! If you missed it, the webinar archive of the “COVID-19 in NC and the ChildCareStrongNC Public Health Toolkit: What You Need to Know Now” that was offered on March 17, 2022, is now available. The webinar, sponsored by the Division of Child Development and Early Education in collaboration with the Division of Child and Family Well-Being and the North Carolina Child Care Health & Safety Resource Center, highlighted the many recent changes to the Department of Health and Human Services’ COVID-19 guidance. The presentation slides and other resources that were shared during the webinar are also available. We encourage you to watch and share with early educators.



NC Early Care and Learning Dashboard-Now Available

February 7, 2022

Did you know that the North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) has new online dashboards with the latest data and trends about NC’s Pre-K and child care programs? Visit their website to explore the interactive dashboards. Data can be downloaded and sorted by star rating, type of provider, or county.