E-Newsletter Volume 5, Issue 4: The Fourth W – Wellness (Now Available in Spanish)
Our Spring 2021 newsletter (Volumen 5, Número 4: La cuarta regla: Bienestar) is now available in Spanish. Please share it with Spanish speaking early educators.
Our Spring 2021 newsletter (Volumen 5, Número 4: La cuarta regla: Bienestar) is now available in Spanish. Please share it with Spanish speaking early educators.
Our Spring 2021 newsletter is now available. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we as a state and nation have focused on the 3 Ws (Wear, Wait, Wash). Please continue. It saves lives. Now we want to encourage early educators to take some … Read more
According to guidance from DCDEE, only children and staff who are needed to maintain ratio should be in classrooms. In order to limit the chance of COVID-19 spread: Have parents drop off children outside the classroom. Staff should meet children … Read more
“Going Viral” the Fall issue of the E-News includes: News from the NC Resource Center When to Exclude? Rash Decisions Child Care Providers and the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Sniffles and Sneezes… Ahh Choo! Calendar References Check it out!