| Adair | Gwendolyn | Durham; Wake | Wake County Smart Start | gwenadair75@gmail.com | 919-641-2825 | 81363237 |
| Adkins | Angel | Bladen; Cumberland; Davie; Harnett; Hoke; Johnston; Mecklenburg; Robeson; Rowan; Wake | Independent | ateasebusinesssolutions@gmail.com | 267-752-0165 | 81929103 |
| Agnew | Marilyn | Alleghany; Ashe; Watauga; Wilkes | Ashe County Partnership for Children | ececonsultant@ashechildren.org | 336-982-8870 | 81446871 |
| Aldridge | Holly | Catawba | Independent | hollyberries76@gmail.com | 828-897-1489 | 82129244 |
| Anderson | Jennifer | Durham | Child Care Services Association | jennifera@childcareservices.org | 919 442-1971 | 1905003 |
Primary CCHC | Anderson | Jennifer | Transylvania | Transylvania Public Health | jennifer.anderson@transylvaniacounty.org | 828-884-1768 | 1905005 |
| Anderson | Pamela | Chatham | Chatham County Partnership for Children | pam@chathamkids.org | 984-214-1883 | 81857789 |
| Anderson | Andrea | Watauga | Lucy Brock Child Development Lab | andersonaw@appstate.edu | 828-262-3006 | 81874671 |
Primary CCHC | Andrews | Briana | Greene; Lenoir | Lenoir Greene Partnership for Children | bandrews@lgpfc.org | 252-939-1200 | 2105201 |
CCHC | Arrowood | Kim | Rutherford | Rutherford County Schools Preschool | karrowood@rcsnc.org | 828-287-7568 | 0602502 |
| Artis | Luchana | Duplin; Edgecombe; Greene; Johnston; Lenoir; Martin; Nash; Pitt; Wayne; Wilson | Independent | luchana20@gmail.com | 252-360-6989 | 81498205 |
| Artis | Angelia | Hertford; Northampton | Hertford Northampton Smart Start | aartis@hnsmartstart.org | 252-398-4124 | 81520031 |
Primary CCHC | Barbour | Krista | Wake | Wake County Health and Human Services | krista.barbour@wake.gov | 919-212-7572 | 0009401 |
| Barbour | Chandra | Johnston; Wake | Independent | chandrabarbour@aol.com | 919-749-4016 | 81258679 |
| Barkley | Yolanda | Alamance; Caswell; Durham; Franklin; Granville; Orange; Person; Vance; Wake | Child Care Services Association | yolandab@childcareservices.org | 919-403-6950 | 82433549 |
| Barnes | Kimberly | Wayne | The Partnership for Children of Wayne County | kbarnes@pfcw.org | 919-735-3371 | 81751421 |
| Batts | Starr | Cabarrus; Mecklenburg; Rowan; Stanly; Union
| Child Care Resources, Inc. | sbatts@childcareresourcesinc.org | 704-376-6697 | 8241228 |
| Bledsoe | Deanna | Alamance; Caswell; Durham; Franklin; Granville; Orange; Person; Vance; Wake | Child care Services Association | deannab@childcareservices.org | 919-414-0904 | 80461584 |
| Bowen | Taylor | Greene; Lenoir | Partnership for Children of Lincoln and Gaston Counties | tbowen@lgpfc.org | 252-939-1200 | 82160177 |
| Bowman | Kathleen | Alamance; Guilford; Mecklenburg; Wake | Independent | kathleen.bowman0930@gmail.com | 336-549-8385 | 81239339 |
| Boyd | Adria | Alamance; Chatham; Durham; Granville; Johnston; Orange; Person; Vance; Wake | Independent | adria@bambinosplayschool.com | 919-922-6886 | 81822526 |
| Boykin | Teresa | Wake | Child Care Services Association | teresab@childcareservices.org | 919-215-7059 | 81624078 |
| Bradley | Mekeisha | Cumberland; Durham; Guilford; Henderson; Johnston; Lee; Orange; Vance; Wake; Wilson | Independent | hearthealth@live.com | 919-926-9255 | 81322738 |
| Bradshaw Garrett | Jennifer | Dare | Children & Youth Partnership for Dare County | jbradshaw@darekids.org | 252-441-0614 | 81783676 |
| Brannon | Sherry | Davidson | Smart Start of Davidson County | sherryb@partnershipforchildren.org | 336-596-2853 | 80983158 |
| Briggs | Penny | Madison | Madison County Smart Start | penny@madisonss.org | 828-689-1529 | 81891228 |
| Broaddus | Manita | Forsyth | Independent | generationschild@aol.com | 336-830-0191 | 80787109 |
Primary CCHC | Brown | Juanita | Mecklenburg | Mecklenburg County Health Department | juanita.brown@mecklenburgcountync.gov | 704-258-4718 | 1103501 |
| Brown | Marti | Beaufort; Carteret; Craven; Edgecombe; Greene; Lenoir; Martin; Nash; Pitt | Independent | martib600@gmail.com | 252-717-9726 | 80487545 |
| Bryant | Demeka | Beaufort; Craven; Hyde; Pamlico; Tyrrell; Washington | Craven Smart Start | demeka@cravensmartstart.org | 252-402-8635 | 82341447 |
| Brylski | Corinne | Davidson; Forsyth; Gaston; Guilford; Johnston; Mecklenburg; Randolph; Wake | Independent | corinne.brylski@thenestschool.com | 336-265-9436 | 81973468 |
| Buckner | Hope | Buncombe; Cherokee; Clay; Graham; Haywood; Henderson; Jackson; Macon; Madison; Polk; Rutherford; Swain; Transylvania | Southwestern Child Development Commission | buckner.hope@swcdcinc.org | 828-354-0483 | 82294644 |
Primary CCHC | Bullock | Gervis (Dee) | Guilford | Guilford County Health Department | gbulloc@guilfordcountync.gov | 336-542-6864 | 1804803 |
| Burrow | Melissa | Surry | Surry County Early Childhood Partnership | melissasurrycountypartnership@yahoo.com | 336-786-1880 | 82320114 |
| Calhoun | Hannah | Buncombe; Cherokee; Haywood; Henderson; Jackson; Macon; Swain | Southwestern Child Development Commission | calhoun.hannah@swcdcinc.org | 980-241-1543 | 81889511 |
| Carlton | Trinisia | Wayne | Partnership for Children of Wayne County | tcarlton@pfcw.org | 919-735-3371 | 82358789 |
| Carmon | Shartarka | Durham; Orange | Families and Communities Rising | SCarmon@fcrinc.org | 919-824-3859 | 81687010 |
| Carson | Leslie | Moore | Partners for Children and Families | lcarson@pfcfmc.org | 910-949-4045 | 80747176 |
| Cason | RoHonda | Bladen; Cumberland; Sampson | Independent | rhondaacason@yahoo.com | 910-990-4285 | 81848608 |
| Casterlow | Donnie | Alamance; Davidson; Forsyth; Guilford | Independent | donniecasterlow@gmail.com | 336-430-3915 | 82196411 |
| Cawley | Gretchen | Cabarrus; Mecklenburg | Independent | gretchencawley@gmail.com | 980-254-1814 | 81543102 |
| Certoma | Jennifer | Chatham; Durham; Guilford; Johnston; Orange; Randolph; Wake | Independent | jenniferlcertoma@gmail.com | 919-696-9225 | 81854760 |
CCHC | Chase | Holly | Alamance; Caswell; Forsyth; Guilford; Randolph; Rockingham | Independent | heartofholly24@gmail.com | 336-988-2796 | 1404011 |
| Clark | Stephanie | Alexander; Avery; Burke; Caldwell; Iredell; McDowell; Mitchell; Watauga; Yancey | Iredell County Partnership for Young Children | sclark@icpyc.org | 704-878-9980 | 81524961 |
Primary CCHC | Clemmons | Anne (Daisy) | Wake | Wake County Health and Human Services | Anne.Clemmons@wake.gov | 919-830-7412 | 1904913 |
Primary CCHC | Combo | Lawanda | Mecklenburg | Mecklenburg County Health Department | lawanda.combo@mecklenburgcountync.gov | 980-314-9342 | 0101401 |
Infant/Toddler CCHC | Courtney | Summey | Statewide (East) | NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center | courtney_summey@unc.edu | 919-263-4261 | 2205504 |
| Crawford | Shekema | Durham; Edgecombe; Nash; Wilson | Independent | shekema@earlychildhoodconsultingservices.com | 919-358-0771 | 81945189 |
| Creecy | Cheri | Halifax; Warren | Halifax-Warren Smart Start | ccreecy@hwss.org | 252-678-3458 | 82246537 |
Primary CCHC | Cruz | Kimberly | Rowan | Rowan County Health Department | kimberly.cruz@rowancountync.gov | 704-216-8806 | 2305803 |
| Culpepper | Lisa | Carteret; Greene; Jones; Lenoir; Martin; Onslow; Pitt | Carteret Partnership for Children | lculpepper@carteretkids.org | 252-269-5063 | 82470996 |
| Dade | ShaKaren | Catawba; Cleveland; Gaston; Lincoln | Child Care Connections Resource and Referral | shakaren@ccchildcareconnections.org | 704-751-0366 | 82350413 |
| Daniels | Stacy | Wilkes | Wilkes Community Partnership for Children | stacy@wilkeschildren.org | 336-838-0977 | 80534636 |
| Darby | Karen | Cherokee; Clay; Graham; Haywood; Henderson; Jackson; Macon; Madison; Polk; Rutherford; Swain; Transylvania | Southwestern Child Development Commission | darby.karen@swcdcinc.org | 704-641-7550 | 80561702 |
| Davidson | Joy | Bertie; Camden; Chowan; Currituck; Dare; Gates; Hertford; Northampton; Pasquotank; Perquimans | Albemarle Alliance for Children and Families | joy@aacfnc.org | 252-333-1233 | 82458234 |
| Davis-Apel | Laura | Qualla Boundary | Qualla Boundary Head Start/Early Head Start | laurdavi@ebci-nsn.gov | 828-359-2210 | 81941614 |
| Daye | Charlene | Alamance; Durham; Guilford; Henderson; Orange; Person; Wake | Independent | dayelccnm1@gmail.com | 919-824-5802 | 81581916 |
| DeHart-Burris | Terri | Guilford; Mecklenburg | Independent | Tburris@childcarenetwork.com | 336-207-8388 | 81982908 |
Primary CCHC | Dempsey-Tanner | Tamara | Orange | Orange County Partnership for Young Children | tdempseytanner@orangesmartstart.org | 984-677-2233 | 2105410 |
| Dickens | Wendy | Forsyth | Smart Start Forsyth County | wendyd@smartstart-fc.org | 336-725-6011 | 82137740 |
Primary CCHC | Dorminy | Michelle | Alamance | Alamance County Health Department | michelle.dorminy@alamancecountync.gov | 336-229-3826 | 2205701 |
| Douglas | Stacie | Brunswick; Carteret; Columbus; Craven; New Hanover; Onslow | Independent | sdouglas@childcarenetwork.com | 910-477-1213 | 82019442 |
| Drake | Brenda | Tyrrell; Washington | Tyrrell Washington Partnership for Children | twchildcarerr@gmail.com | 252-793-5437 | 82071436 |
| Drakeford | Cassandra | Cabarrus; Davidson; Gaston; Mecklenburg; Union | Independent | dreamchildren2915@gmail.com | 704-506-6053 | 81469820 |
| Duncan | Tisha | Person | Person County Partnership for Children; Caswell County Partnership for Children | leadteachreach@gmail.com | 336-504-7036 | 82016815 |
| Dunn | Cassandra | Greene; Johnston; Lenoir; Pitt; Wayne; Wilson
| The Partnership for Children of Wayne County | cdunn@pfcw.org | 919-735-3371 | 82487571 |
| Edgerton | Sherree | Franklin; Granville; Vance; Wake | Child Care Services Association | sherreee@childcareservices.org | 919-426-8388 | 81556609 |
| Elder | Ashli | Alexander | Alexander County Partnership for Children | ashli@alexanderchildren.org | 828-632-3799 | 81868463 |
| Elixson | Susan | Duplin | Duplin County Partnership for Children | selixson@dcpfc.org | 910-296-2000 | 81665924 |
| Englehart | Emily | Johnston | Partnership for Children of Johnston County | eenglehart@pfcjc.org | 919-437-9524 | 81946590 |
| Erwin | Heather | Henderson; Transylvania | Children & Family Resource Center | heathere@childrenandfamily.org | 828-698-0674 | 81831159 |
| Esparza | Lorena | Johnston | Partnership for Children of Johnston County | lesparza@pfcjc.org | 919-397-7825 | 82342511 |
| Evans | Tisha | Cumberland; Hoke; Moore; Robeson; Scotland | Independent | Newbeginning0703@gmail.com | 919-939-1960 | 81351256 |
| Evans | Jacquie | Chatham; Durham; Granville; Orange; Vance; Wake | Independent | jacquieevans78@gmail.com | 919-332-9342 | 81870492 |
| Fink | Alicia | Chatham; Durham; Johnston; Mecklenburg; Wake | Independent | aliciafink@yahoo.com | 919-888-3988 | 81481220 |
| Fouts | Jennifer | Macon | Macon Program for Progress | jfouts@mppnhc.org | 828-524-4471 | 81711105 |
| Fowler | Mary | Clay; Graham; Haywood; Jackson; Macon; Qualla Boundary | Southwestern Child Development Commission | fowler.mary@swcdcinc.org | 828-477-4053 | 81989416 |
| Franklin | Tomeka | Alexander; Avery; Burke; Caldwell; Iredell; McDowell; Mitchell; Watauga; Yancey
| Iredell County Partnership for Young Children | tfranklin@icpyc.org | 704-799-5348 | 82443255 |
| Gardner | Rachelle | Onslow | One Place | rachelle.gardner@oneplaceonslow.org | 910-358-1374 | 82068204 |
| Gates | Leslie | Chatham; Cumberland; Durham; Harnett; Johnston; Lee; Moore; Orange; Wake | Independent | newperson1953@gmail.com | 919-718-9251 | 81318630 |
| Gauldin | Alexa | Rockingham | Royalty Health and Wellness | alexandriagauldin@gmail.com | 434-709-2597 | 2105408 |
| Gerald | Karen | Anson | Anson County Partnership for Children | karen.gerald@ansonchildren.org | 704-694-4036 | 81697226 |
Regional CCHC | Glaspie | LaKeasha | Brunswick; Carteret; Craven; Duplin; Jones; Onslow; Pamlico; Pender | NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center | lglaspie@unc.edu | 910-408-2051 | 2105205 |
| Glass | Krystal | Cabarrus; Durham; Edgecombe; Guilford; Johnston; Mecklenburg; Orange; Wake | Independent | kglass1223@yahoo.com | 919-805-5960 | 81897468 |
| Glenn-Moore | Nasheika | Gaston; Mecklenburg | Independent | nasheikaglennmoore@yahoo.com | 704-713-2600 | 81922895 |
| Godley | Wendy | Beaufort; Craven; Martin; Pitt | Independent | godleyw@careoworld.org | 252-945-8138 | 81782489 |
| Goss | Ashleigh | Harnett; Johnston | Harnett County Partnership for Children | ashleigh.goss@harnettsmartstart.org | 910-893-2344 | 82396979 |
| Graham | Shakera | Cumberland; Hoke | Independent | nowgen@ymail.com | 910-366-5358 | 81688058 |
| Green | Sakenah | Mecklenburg | Independent | sbgreen@novanthealth.org | 704-439-6647 | 81815732 |
| Griffin | Santea | Chatham; Durham; Franklin; Granville; Wake | Independent | sangriffin14@gmail.com | 919-308-1697 | 81954274 |
Primary CCHC | Grimes | Auxiliadora | Cumberland | Cumberland County Health Department | agrimes@cumberlandcountync.gov | 910-433-3639 | 2406002 |
Primary CCHC | Groomes | Majena | Guilford | Guilford County Health Department | mgroome@guilfordcountync.gov | 336-207-2835 | 9999902 |
| Gunter | Susan | Forsyth | Smart Start of Forsyth County | susang@smartstart-fc.org | 336-991-6154 | 82488525 |
| Hardison | Wanda | Harnett | North Carolina Cooperative Extension Harnett County Center | hardisonwanda@gmail.com | 910-893-8171 | 81394865 |
| Hardy | Kristian | Pitt | Independent | hardyk18@ecu.edu | 252-214-0412 | 81884265 |
| Harrington | Mary | Cabarrus; Mecklenburg | Independent | mharrin83@gmail.com | 704-517-9445 | 81722724 |
| Harris Bartholomew | Ginger | Chatham; Harnett; Lee | Central Carolina Community College | gharr082@cccc.edu | 919-718-7260 | 81041431 |
| Hartman | Jonathan | Brunswick | Smart Start of Brunswick County | jhartman@smartstartbrunswick.org | 910-754-3166 | 82083731 |
Primary CCHC | Hawks-Saultz | Laurie | Richmond | Richmond County Health Department | laurie.hawks@richmondnc.com | 910-997-8304 | 2506202 |
| Hayes | Priscilla | Cabarrus; Mecklenburg; Rowan; Stanly; Union | Child Care Resources Inc. | phayes@childcareresourcesinc.org | 704-376-6697 | 81584840 |
| Hazen | Amanda | Alamance; Alexander; Alleghany; Anson; Ashe; Avery; Beaufort; Bertie; Bladen; Brunswick; Buncombe; Burke; Cabarrus; Caldwell; Camden; Carteret; Caswell; Catawba; Chatham; Cherokee; Chowan; Clay; Cleveland; Columbus; Craven; Cumberland; Currituck; Dare; Davidson; Davie; Duplin; Durham; Edgecombe; Forsyth; Franklin; Gaston; Gates; Graham; Granville; Greene; Guilford; Halifax; Harnett; Haywood; Henderson; Hertford; Hoke; Hyde; Iredell; Jackson; Johnston; Jones; Lee; Lenoir; Lincoln; McDowell; Macon; Madison; Martin; Mecklenburg; Mitchell; Montgomery; Moore; Nash; New Hanover; Northampton; Onslow; Orange; Pamlico; Pasquotank; Pender; Perquimans; Person; Pitt; Polk; Qualla Boundary ; Randolph; Richmond; Robeson; Rockingham; Rowan; Rutherford; Sampson; Scotland; Stanly; Stokes; Surry; Swain; Transylvania; Tyrrell; Union; Vance; Wake; Warren; Washington; Watauga; Wayne; Wilkes; Wilson; Yadkin; Yancey | Child care Services Association | amandah@childcareservices.org | 919 356 5123 | 81015249 |
Primary CCHC | Henrickson | Alison | Catawba | Catawba County Public Health | ahenrickson@catawbacountync.gov | 828-695-6576 | 0101501 |
CCHC | Hindman | Lani | Pitt | Child Care Services Association | hindmanl@childcareservices.org | 919-442-1958 | 2205503 |
| Hinton | Sabrina | Davidson; Davie; Forsyth; Guilford; Surry | Independent | hintons@att.net | 336-608-2350 | 81173673 |
| Hogue | Donna | Rowan | Smart Start Rowan | dhogue@smartstartrowan.org | 704-603-3371 | 82312106 |
| Holt | Connie | Wilson | Independent | conniecarterholt@gmail.com | 252-206-6533 | 80873345 |
| Holzworth | Laekan | Yadkin | Smart Start of Yadkin County | laekanh@yadkinchild.org | 336-677-1127 | 82455562 |
Primary CCHC | Hoover | Fran | Union | Union County Health Department | fran.hoover@unioncountync.gov | 980-264-9031 | 1604502 |
Primary CCHC | Hopkins | Latasha | Wake | Wake County Health and Human Services | Latasha.Hopkins@wake.gov | 919-795-2234 | 1904912 |
| Hudson | Toni | Duplin | Duplin County Partnership for Children | thudson@dcpfc.org | 910-296-2000 | 81165465 |
| Huggins | Melody | Randolph | Randolph County Public Health | melody.huggins@randolphcountync.gov | 336-318-6256 | 81742680 |
| Hughes | Suzanne | McDowell | McDowell County Schools | suzanne.hughes@mcdowell.k12.nc.us | 828-652-3229 | 81783798 |
| Inman | Manuela | Franklin; Granville; Vance | Granville County Schools | manuela.inman@yahoo.com | 919-939-3610 | 80960342 |
| Jachimiak | Nicole | Onslow | One Place | nicole.jachimiak@oneplaceonslow.org | 252-269-4504 | 82052770 |
Primary CCHC | Johnson | Julie | Wilkes | Wilkes Community Partnership for Children | julie@wilkeschildren.org | 336-838-0977 | 2205603 |
| Johnson | Jessica | Henderson; Transylvania | Children & Family Resource Center | jessicaj@childrenandfamily.org | 828-698-0674 | 82142973 |
| Johnson | Joy | Guilford; Randolph; Rockingham | GenerationEd | joy.johnson@gen-ednc.org | 336-378-7700 | 82180863 |
Primary CCHC | Jones | Melissa | Cabarrus; Stanly | Cabarrus Partnership for Children | Melissa@cabarruspartnership.org | 704-787-2638 | 1404107 |
| Jones | Takisha | Edgecombe; Halifax; Nash; Pitt; Wilson | Independent | takisharena@aol.com | 252-883-3425 | 81548354 |
| Joyce | Ashley | Alamance; Davidson; Forsyth; Gaston; Guilford; Wake | Independent | ashleyjoyce1@yahoo.com | 919-280-2390 | 81733451 |
| Kappas | Jennifer | Cabarrus; Mecklenburg; Rowan; Stanly; Union | Child Care Resources Inc. | jkappas@childcareresourcesinc.org | 704-221-2553 | 80963467 |
Primary CCHC | Knight | Tara | Gaston | Gaston County Department of Health and Human Services | tara.knight@gastongov.com | 704-913-3129 | 2105302 |
| Knight | Priscilla | Lee | Partnership for Children and Families | Priscillak@pfcf.org | 919-774-9496 | 82336690 |
Regional CCHC | Laporte | Sharleen | Anson; Bladen; Columbus; Harnett; Lee; Sampson; Scotland | NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center | slaporte@unc.edu | 910-401-2207 | 2105305 |
| Latimer | Arintha | Guilford; Randolph; Rockingham | GenerationEd | Arintha.Latimer@gen-ednc.org | 336-383-9056 | 82437102 |
| Lawhorn | Connie | Wake | Indepdendent | tlceducational@gmail.com | 919-417-2555 | 81814045 |
CCHC | Lefever | Rebecca | Caldwell | NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center | rebecca_lefever@unc.edu | 919-966-2017 | 2305902 |
CCHC | Lennon | Tandrel | Robeson | Independent | tandrellennon@gmail.com | 704-390-1725 | 2205502 |
Regional CCHC | Lentz | Rachel | Alexander; Alleghany; Ashe; Burke; Cleveland; Iredell; Watauga | NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center | rlentz@unc.edu | 828-544-1532 | 2105307 |
| Leo-Henry | Kashama | Durham; Wake | Durham Technical Community College | k22charms@hotmail.com | 919-923-5728 | 81662135 |
| Lescar | Melinda | Alleghany; Ashe; Davidson; Davie; Forsyth; Stokes; Surry; Wilkes; Yadkin | Child Care Resource Center | mmccullen@childcareresourcecenter.org | 336-687-5312 | 80031648 |
| Lester | Cynthia | Robeson; Scotland | Independent | cbarnes3194@gmail.com | 910-374-7204 | 81325491 |
| Lewis | Tamesha | Wayne | Partnership for Children of Wayne County | tlewis@pfcw.org | 919-735-3371 | 82315741 |
Primary CCHC | Lewis-Gould | Marshea | Wake | Wake County Health and Human Services | marshea.lewis-gould@wake.gov | 919-795-1210 | 1704705 |
| Librado | Bridgett | Henderson; Polk; Rutherford; Transylvania
| WNCSource | blibrado@wncsource.org | 828-772-2546 | 82410527 |
| Lopez | Jennifer | Bladen; Cumberland; New Hanover; Pender; Wake | Independent | jennifer.l.lopez@outlook.com | 910-299-2808 | 81615292 |
| Malachi | Yolanda | Cabarrus; Gaston; Mecklenburg; Union | Independent | ymalachi@eceagency.org | 704-208-7377 | 81861934 |
| Manning | Shewanna | Edgecombe; Halifax; Nash; Warren; Wilson | Down East Partnership for Children | smanning@depc.org | 252-985-4300 | 82335558 |
Primary CCHC | Marsh | Alecia | Chatham | Chatham County Public Health Department | alecia.marsh@chathamcountync.gov | 919-545-8466 | 2406001 |
| Martin | Shelly | Bladen; Brunswick; Columbus; Duplin; New Hanover; Pender; Sampson | Region 4 CCR&R/Southeastern Community College | shelly.martin@sccnc.edu | 910-788-6464 | 80751368 |
Primary CCHC | Mason | Shelley | Guilford | Guilford County Health Department | smason@guilfordcountync.gov | 336-209-9085 | 0101403 |
Primary CCHC | Matthews | Amy | Franklin; Granville; Person; Vance | Granville Medical Center | amatthews@granvillemedical.com | 252-425-6921 | 2105409 |
| Mattingly | Gail | Buncombe; Cherokee; Clay; Graham; Haywood; Henderson; Jackson; Macon; Madison; Polk; Rutherford; Swain; Transylvania | Southwestern Child Development Commission | mattingly.gail@swcdcinc.org | 828-354-0361 | 81656912 |
| Mayo | Dannielle | Chatham; Durham; Edgecombe; Greene; Harnett; Johnston; Orange; Pitt; Vance; Wake | Independent | helpsavealife16@gmail.com | 803-667-2767 | 81964862 |
| McCall | Tonya | Anson; Cumberland; Hoke; Montgomery; Moore; Richmond; Robeson; Scotland | Partnership for Children of Cumberland County | tmccall@ccpfc.org | 910-527-4196 | 80047952 |
| McKiddy | Cindy | Alleghany; Ashe; Watauga; Wilkes | Partnership of Ashe | ecetech@ashechildren.org | 336-982-8870 | 82381187 |
| McKoy | Laura | Onslow | Independent | lmckoy@mail.com | 910-382-4772 | 81293070 |
| McLean | LaTonya | Lee | Partnership for Children and Families | tonyam@pfcf.org | 919-774-9496 | 82491534 |
| McMillian | Cynthia | Cumberland; Harnett; Hoke; New Hanover | Independent | Farmermam@hotmail.com | 910-303-0214 | 81335984 |
| McNeill | Sandra | Randolph | Randolph County Public Health | sandra.mcneill@randolphcountync.gov | 336-318-6880 | 81737113 |
| Melvin | Latonia | Sampson | Sampson County Partnership for Children | lmelvin@scpfc.org | 910-592-9399 | 82449383 |
| Melvin Forbes | Sherry | Greene; Lenoir; Nash; Pitt; Wilson | Independent | Pamela_2814@yahoo.com | 252-205-8361 | 82068462 |
| Miller | Martiese | Mecklenburg | Alliance Center for Education | Martiese@ac4ed.org | 980-240-8583 | 81836742 |
CCHC | Mills | Mandy | Buncombe; Cherokee; Clay; Graham; Haywood; Henderson; Jackson; Macon; Madison; Rutherford; Swain; Transylvania | Southwestern Child Development Commission | mills.mandy@swcdcinc.org | 828-246-4148 | 2205505 |
| Milton | LaTisha | Alamance; Guilford; Wake | Independent | latisha.milton@brighthorizons.com | 336-586-9767 | 81915147 |
| Mintz | Karen | Cabarrus; Mecklenburg; Rowan; Stanly; Union | Child Care Resources Inc. | kmintz@childcareresourcesinc.org | 704-376-6697 | 81732570 |
| Mitchell | Rashida | Forsyth | Smart Start of Forsyth County | rashidam@smartstart-fc.org | 336-212-8628 | 82351410 |
| Moore | Monica | Alamance; Davidson; Davie; Forsyth; Guilford; Randolph; Rockingham; Wake | Independent | Onthegotss@gmail.com | 336-987-8941 | 81884588 |
| Moore | Machell | Duplin; Wayne | East Coast Migrant Head Start | machellmoore71@gmail.com | 919-273-6487 | 81844661 |
Regional CCHC | Morris | Ellie | Durham; Johnston | NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center | morrise@unc.edu | 919-809-9645 | 2305903 |
| Morris | Valerie | Alamance | Independent | valmorrisbv@live.com | 336-449-4070 | 81134951 |
| Morris | Amanda | Craven | Craven Smart Start | amanda@cravensmartstart.org | 252-474-7842 | 82414774 |
Primary CCHC | Moss | Tonya | Catawba | Catawba County Public Health | tmoss@catawbacountync.gov | 828-695-6595 | 0099952 |
| Murphy | Sylvia | Anson; Cumberland; Hoke; Montgomery; Moore; Richmond; Robeson; Scotland | Partnership for Children of Cumberland County | smurphy@ccpfc.org | 910-826-3050 | 81388369 |
| Newkirk | Shakieta | Bladen; Duplin; Edgecombe; Greene; Johnston; Nash; New Hanover; Pender; Pitt; Sampson; Wayne; Wilson | East Coast Migrant Head Start Project | snewkirk@ecmhsp.org | 910-624-1570 | 81991542 |
| Noe | Heather | Wake | Child Care Services Association | heathern@childcareservices.org | 919-403-6950 | 81714260 |
| O'Donnell | Pam | Bertie; Camden; Chowan; Currituck; Dare; Gates; Hertford; Northampton; Pasquotank; Perquimans
| Albemarle Alliance for Children & Families | pamo@aacfnc.org | 252-339-0635 | 82426000 |
Primary CCHC | Oglesby | Keturah | Forsyth | Smart Start of Forsyth County | keturaho@smartstart-fc.org | 336-714-4370 | 2305804 |
| Osteen | Jessica | McDowell; Polk; Rutherford | Partnership for Children of the Foothills | jessica@pfcfoothills.org | 828-429-6061 | 81922713 |
| Pardilla | Gexenia | Cabarrus; Iredell; Mecklenburg; Rowan; Stanly; Union | YMCA of Greater Charlotte | CHILD-DEVELOPMENT@OUTLOOK.COM | 978-985-9384 | 80793598 |
CCHC | Parker | Alicia | Rockingham | Royalty Health and Wellness Resources | aliciap@royaltyhwr.com | 336-623-2547 | 1103401 |
| Parks | Sharon | Alamance; Chatham; Durham; Graham; Granville; Harnett; Orange; Vance; Wake; Washington | Independent | sharonparks02@yahoo.com | 919-699-2094 | 81751954 |
| Pate | Angela | Beaufort; Craven; Hyde; Pamlico; Tyrrell; Washington | Craven Smart Smart | angela@cravensmartstart.org | 252-640-0122 | 80764011 |
| Peele | Kimberly | Carteret; Greene; Jones; Lenoir; Martin; Onslow; Pitt | Martin Pitt Partnership for Children | kpeele@mppfc.org | 252-916-5858 | 81393675 |
| Person | Valerie | Durham; Person | Child Care Services Association | valeriep@childcareservices.org | 919-949-8844 | 81540314 |
| Person | Sonja | Edgecombe; Nash | Down East Partnership for Children | sperson@depc.org | 252-382-2452 | 81668829 |
| Peterson | Jennifer | Alexander; Avery; Burke; Caldwell; Iredell; McDowell; Mitchell; Watauga; Yancey | Iredell County Partnership for Young Children | jpeterson@icpyc.org | 704-380-3871 | 82381157 |
| Pittman | Tracy L. | Edgecombe; Halifax; Nash; Warren; Wilson | Down East Partnership for Children | tpittman@depc.org | 252-985-4300 | 81968683 |
Infant/Toddler CCHC | Pjura | Megan | Statewide (West) | NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center | Megan.Pjura@unc.edu | 919-404-9605 | 2406003 |
| Pledger | Patricia | Currituck; Dare; Pasquotank | Independent | patricia@pledgerpalace.com | 252-267-4225 | 81632885 |
Primary CCHC | Pless | Debra | Cabarrus | Cabarrus Partnership for Children | debra@cabarruspartnership.org | 704-791-0058 | 1404105 |
| Pratt | Denise | Durham | Independent | DVPRATT512@AOL.COM | 919-475-1126 | 81119913 |
| Price | Donna | Duplin; Harnett; Johnston; Sampson; Wayne | East Coast Migrant Head Start Project | dprice@ecmhsp.org | 919-639-3361 | 81821052 |
| Purcell | Willa | Buncombe; Henderson; Polk; Transylvania | East Coast Migrant Headstart Project | willapurcell@gmail.com | 828-388-2819 | 81771670 |
| Puzon | Kelly | New Hanover | Smart Start of New Hanover County | kelly.puzon@newhanoverkids.org | 910-815-3731 | 81636390 |
Primary CCHC | Quinn | Terry | Pitt | Pitt County Health Department | terry.quinn@pittcountync.gov | 252-902-2360 | 1404101 |
| Racanelli | Alyssa | Brunswick | Smart Start of Brunswick County | aracanelli@smartstartbrunswick.org | 910-754-3166 | 82186108 |
| Ragan | Donnell | Durham; Wake; Wilson | Independent | donnellragan@hotmail.com | 919-521-1342 | 81856950 |
| Ray | Pamela | Wake | Jordan Child and Family Enrichment Center | jpjfoster@yahoo.com | 919-332-7347 | 81464152 |
| Reid | Ashley | Forsyth; Mecklenburg | Child Care Resource Center | areid@childcareresourcecenter.org | 704-749-4349 | 81521915 |
| Rettie | Lisa | Alamance | Alamance Partnership for Children | lrettie@alamancechildren.org | 336-513-0063 | 81517006 |
Primary CCHC | Richardson | Nicole | Cumberland | Cumberland County Department of Public Health | nrrichardson@cumberlandcountync.gov | 910-678-7706 | 2205506 |
| Rivers | Rhonda | Cabarrus; Gaston; Mecklenburg; Union | Independent | rhondarivers23@gmail.com | 704-839-3227 | 81878514 |
Primary CCHC | Roberts | Crystal | Montgomery; Moore | First Health of the Carolinas | cgroberts@firsthealth.org | 910-638-4509 | 1604501 |
| Robinson | Kenneth | Durham; Gaston; Onslow; Wake | Independent | justatad82@gmail.com | 919-638-7369 | 81242904 |
| Rodgers | Vivlica | Anson; Cumberland; Hoke; Montgomery; Moore; Richmond; Robeson; Scotland | Partnership for Children of Cumberland County | vrodgers@ccpfc.org | 910-826-3024 | 82379924 |
CCHC | Rogers | Cassie | Cherokee; Clay; Graham; Haywood; Jackson; Macon; Qualla Boundary ; Swain | Independent | wncchildcarehealthconsultant@gmail.com | 828-421-8942 | 1704603 |
| Rolison | Tonia | Wake | Independent | trolison@primrosehollygrove.com | 919-567-1114 | 81749002 |
| Ross | Shermunda | Cleveland | Independent | sslawren87@gmail.com | 980-729-2608 | 81975304 |
Regional CCHC | Rosser | Stacy | Chowan; Dare; Edgecombe; Hertford; Johnston; Nash; Northampton; Perquimans; Tyrrell; Washington; Wilson | NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center | stacy_rosser@unc.edu | 252-557-4208 | 1904910 |
| Ruffin | Tammie | Wilson | Wilson County Partnership for Children | tammie_ruffin3@yahoo.com | 252-290-0080 | 81162002 |
| Sanders | Lakieta | Durham | Durham County Department of Public Health | ldsanders@dconc.gov | 919-323-5266 | 82046171 |
| Sanders | Keisha | Wake | Independent | a1975keisha@gmail.com | 919-961-6366 | 80768858 |
| Saunders | Tiffany | Cabarrus; Mecklenburg; Rowan; Stanly; Union | Child Care Resources Inc | tsaunders@childcareresourcesinc.org | 704-858-0897 | 82111744 |
| Schaeffer | Matthew | Bladen; Brunswick; Columbus; Duplin; New Hanover; Pender; Sampson | Southeastern Community College, CCR&R | matt.schaeffer@sccnc.edu | 910-788-6463 | 81617822 |
| Sebastian | Ashley | Burke | Child Care Connections of Burke County | a2sebastianccc@gmail.com | 828-439-2328 | 82252011 |
| Shaw | Kelly | Alamance; Alexander; Alleghany; Anson; Ashe; Avery; Beaufort; Bertie; Bladen; Brunswick; Buncombe; Burke; Cabarrus; Caldwell; Camden; Carteret; Caswell; Catawba; Chatham; Cherokee; Chowan; Clay; Cleveland; Columbus; Craven; Cumberland; Currituck; Dare; Davidson; Davie; Duplin; Durham; Edgecombe; Forsyth; Franklin; Gaston; Gates; Graham; Granville; Greene; Guilford; Halifax; Harnett; Haywood; Henderson; Hertford; Hoke; Hyde; Iredell; Jackson; Johnston; Jones; Lee; Lenoir; Lincoln; McDowell; Macon; Madison; Martin; Mecklenburg; Mitchell; Montgomery; Moore; Nash; New Hanover; Northampton; Onslow; Orange; Pamlico; Pasquotank; Pender; Perquimans; Person; Pitt; Polk; Qualla Boundary ; Randolph; Richmond; Robeson; Rockingham; Rowan; Rutherford; Sampson; Scotland; Stanly; Stokes; Surry; Swain; Transylvania; Tyrrell; Union; Vance; Wake; Warren; Washington; Watauga; Wayne; Wilkes; Wilson; Yadkin; Yancey | Southwestern Child Development Commission | shaw.kelly@swcdcinc.org | 828-477-4227 | 81874525 |
| Shell | Alicia | Alexander; Avery; Burke; Caldwell; Iredell; McDowell; Mitchell; Watauga; Yancey | Iredell County Partnership for Young Children | ashell@icpyc.org | 704-929-4259 | 80839085 |
| Shemanski | Paula | Chatham; Harnett; Johnston; Lee; Wayne | Chatham County Partnership for Children | paula@chathamkids.org | 984-214-9434 | 81690654 |
| Shook | Valerie | Burke | Child Care Connections of Burke County | dshook2@charter.net | 828-439-2328 | 80491644 |
| Simmons | Nyack | Wayne | WAGES Head Start | nsimmons@wagesnc.org | 252-933-2640 | 82082694 |
Primary CCHC | Smith | Cindy | Bertie; Camden; Currituck; Gates; Pasquotank | Albemarle Alliance for Children and Families | cindy@aacfnc.org | 252-340-0212 | 0802902 |
| Smith | Val | Forsyth | Independent | circleofgenerations7@gmail.com | 336-830-0191 | 80787989 |
| Smith | Katharine | Durham; Orange; Wake | Families and Communities Rising | ksmith@fcrinc.org | 919-452-0096 | 81678751 |
| Smith | Krista | New Hanover | Smart Start of New Hanover County | krista.smith@newhanoverkids.org | 910-815-3731 | 81815638 |
| Smith | Wendy | Caldwell | Caldwell County Smart Start | wsmith@caldwellsmartstart.org | 828-234-8975 | 82088863 |
| Smith | Robert | Mecklenburg; Union | Independent | rsmi0513@outlook.com | 704-400-2711 | 82265982 |
| Smith | Susan | Forsyth | Smart Start of Forsyth County | susans@smartstart-fc.org | 336-714-4351 | 82376990 |
| Smith | Amy | Henderson; Polk; Rutherford; Transylvania
| WNCSource | asmith@wncsource.org | 919-602-1462 | 82466356 |
| Snyder | Sierra | Watauga | The Children's Council of Watauga County | sierra@thechildrenscouncil.org | 828-262-5424 | 82473100 |
| Sorrell | Megan | Durham; Orange | Durham's Partnership for Children | megan@dpfc.net | 336-929-7789 | 82132842 |
| Speller | Teresa | Chatham; Harnett; Johnston; Lee; Wake; Wayne | Independent | piesolutionsllc@gmail.com | 919-917-2994 | 81844631 |
Primary CCHC | St. Martin | Beth | Union | Union County Health Department | elizabeth.st.martin@unioncountync.gov | 980-257-2761 | 2205501 |
| Stephens | Alisa | Buncombe; Cherokee; Clay; Haywood; Henderson; Madison; Rutherford; Swain; Transylvania | Southwestern Child Development Commission | Stephens.alisa@swcdcinc.org | 828-354-0116 | 82332007 |
CCHC | Stone-Gill | Susannah | Union | Union County Health Department | susannah.stone-gill@unioncountync.gov | 980-269-6958 | 2305801 |
| Stroud | Dee | Wake | Independent | deestroud10@gmail.com | 919-410-3395 | 80978137 |
| Sullivan | Stephanie | Greene; Lenoir | Lenoir Greene Partnership for Children | ssullivan@lgpfc.org | 252-939-1200 | 80618686 |
| Talford | Danielle | Cabarrus; Cleveland; Gaston; Mecklenburg; Rowan | Independent | dtalfordtrainingsolutions@gmail.com | 704-975-4115 | 81387674 |
Regional CCHC | Tanner | Alicia | Caswell; Davidson; Davie; Rockingham; Stokes; Surry | NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center | altanner@unc.edu | 919-964-0125 | 1905001 |
| Teal | Chunda | Davidson | Partnership for Children Davidson County | chundat@partnershipforchildren.org | 336 249 6688 | 81588098 |
| Terry | Beth | Onslow | One Place | beth.terry@oneplaceonslow.org | 910-546-2616 | 81460283 |
| Thomas | Keena | Mecklenburg | Novant Health | klthomas@novanthealth.org | 704-692-9389 | 81384508 |
| Thomas | Deborah | Edgecombe; Halifax; Nash; Warren; Wilson | Down East Partnership for Children | dthomas@depc.com | 252-985-4300 | 82461731 |
| Thompson | Renee | Alamance; Forsyth; Guilford; Orange; Wake | Independent | renee.thompson@brighthorizons.com | 336-209-6648 | 81868235 |
| Tobar | Leonor | Catawba | Children's Resource Center | tobarle@hickoryschools.net | 828-695-6515 | 80769792 |
| Toler | Donna | Wayne | Wayne Action Group for Economic Solvency Inc | dtoler@wagesnc.org | 919-252-7682 | 81468744 |
| Toney | Lydia | Durham; Orange; Wake | Child Care Services Association | lollivierre00@gmail.com | 919-949-318 | 81571721 |
| Travis-Ehart | Laura | Brunswick | Smart Start of Brunswick County | lehart@smartstartbrunswick.org | 910-754-3166 | 80517404 |
Primary CCHC | Trogdon | Cindy | Randolph | Randolph County Public Health | cindy.trogdon@randolphcountync.gov | 336-318-6164 | 0099901 |
| Trujillo | Betty | Rowan | Smart Start Rowan | btrujillo@smartstartrowan.org | 704-953-4975 | 82125793 |
| Tyson | Jackie | Moore | First Health of the Carolinas | jtyson@firsthealth.org | 910-715-1846 | 80865624 |
| Tyson | Terri | Beaufort; Bladen; Duplin; Durham; Edgecombe; Greene; Johnston; Lenoir; Martin; Nash; Pender; Pitt; Sampson; Wake; Wayne; Wilson | East Coast Migrant Head Start Project | territyson72@gmail.com | 252-531-7457 | 81713296 |
| Unterreiner | Amelia | Onslow | One Place | amelia.unterreiner@oneplaceonslow.org | 573-768-4656 | 82371378 |
| Vample | Victoria | Guilford; Randolph; Rockingham | GenerationEd | victoria.vample@gen-ednc.org | 336-369-5034 | 81693281 |
| Vestal | Patty | Surry; Yadkin | East Coast Migrant Head Start Project | vestal.patty@yahoo.com | 336-466-8135 | 81561455 |
Primary CCHC | Wadsworth | Ashlyn | Gaston | Gaston County Department of Health and Human Services | ashlyn.wadsworth@gastongov.com | 704-853-5162 | 2205601 |
| Walters | Amy | Durham; Orange; Wake | Independent | amygulledge@icloud.com | 984-234-9301 | 81062129 |
| Warren | Jennifer | Johnston | Partnership for Children of Johnston County | jwarren@pfcjc.org | 919-631-8009 | 82365985 |
| Washington | Vonya | Alleghany; Ashe; Davidson; Davie; Forsyth; Stokes; Surry; Wilkes; Yadkin | Child Care Resource Center | Vwashington@childcareresourcecenter.org | 336-245-4900 | 81698484 |
| Wearing | Amy | Durham; Orange; Wake | Child Care Services Association | amyw@childcareservices.org | 919-403-6950 | 82243242 |
| Weaver | Sandy | Alleghany; Ashe; Davidson; Davie; Forsyth; Stokes; Surry; Wilkes; Yadkin | Child Care Resource Center | sweaver@childcareresourcecenter.org | 336-413-4446 | 81423886 |
| West | Cari | Cherokee; Clay; Graham | Independent | cariwest4040@yahoo.com | 828-835-8003 | 81911411 |
| White | Erika | Chatham; Durham; Forsyth; Granville; Mecklenburg | Independent | ewhitedirector@gmail.com | 919-724-2447 | 82014137 |
| Whitney | Salyna | Alamance; Forsyth; Guilford | Independent | salyna_richmond@hotmail.com | 336-988-3104 | 80595122 |
| Whitney-Byrd | Lateshia | Beaufort; Chowan; Craven; Greene; Lenoir; Martin; Pitt; Wake; Washington; Wayne | Independent | ByrdViewLLC@gmail.com | 252-945-7507 | 82086476 |
| Wiggins | Ellen | Beaufort; Bertie; Gates; Greene; Hertford; Martin; Pitt | Independent | ellen.thrower@yahoo.com | 252-287-8065 | 81975556 |
| Wilkinson | Elizabeth | Durham; Orange; Wake | Independent | ewilkinson24@gmail.com | 919-730-5871 | 81566976 |
| Williams | Elizabeth | Johnston | Partnership for Children of Johnston County | EWILLIAMS@PFCJC.ORG | 919-975-2539 | 81833945 |
| Williams | Crystal | Graham; Haywood; Henderson; Jackson; Macon; Polk; Rutherford; Transylvania | Southwestern Child Development Commission | williams.crystal@swcdcinc.org | 828-393-5630 | 82457439 |
| Williams | Tina | Catawba; Cleveland; Gaston; Lincoln
| Child Care Connections of Cleveland County | directorofps@ccchildcareconnections.org | 704-487-7397 | 81587820 |
| Williams | Mary | Columbus | Columbus County Partnership for Children | mwilliams@columbussmartstart.org | 910-445-4547 | 82468777 |
| Wilson | Tracy | Wake | Independent | Westcary@kiddieacademy.net | 919-592-3646 | 82016947 |
Primary CCHC | Wolfe | Chrissy | Buncombe | Mountain Area Health Education Center | chrissy.wolfe@mahec.net | 828-424-0562 | 1103509 |
Primary CCHC | Worley | Robin | Buncombe | Mountain Area Health Education Center | robin.worley@mahec.net | 828-772-0504 | 2105304 |
| Wright | Carrie | Johnston | Partnership for Children of Johnston County | cwright@pfcjc.org | 919-397-7811 | 82468540 |
| Yates | Roberta | Watauga | Children's Council of Watauga County | roberta@thechildrenscouncil.org | 828-262-5424 | 81733202 |
| Yearick | MaryLee | Avery; Mitchell; Yancey | Blue Ridge Partnership for Children | ccrr@brpartnershipforchildren.org | 828-682-0717 | 80990565 |
| Zeigler | Carrie | Forsyth | Independent | zeiglercarrie09@outlook.com | 843- 813-8522 | 81760481 |
| Alexander | Stacia | Cabarrus; Catawba; Davie; Guilford; Mecklenburg; Rowan | Independent | | | 81387417 |
| Bea | Amanda | Cabarrus; Mecklenburg; Rowan; Union
| Childcare Resources Inc | | | 82427231 |
| Bowen | Lauren | Mecklenburg; Union | Independent | | | 81475077 |
| Brinkley | Harriette | Durham | Independent | | | 80594498 |
| Brooks | Teri | Cabarrus; Mecklenburg; Rowan; Stanly; Union | Child Care Resources Inc. | | | 81849264 |
| Brown | Catey | Cabarrus; Mecklenburg; Rowan; Stanly; Union | Child Care Resources Inc. | | | 82159782 |
CCHC | Cagle | Meagan | Jackson | Jackson County Department of Public Health | | | 1504202 |
CCHC | Cook | Tara | Wilkes | Wilkes Developmental Day School | | | 2105203 |
| Cruz | Kaitlyn | Sampson | East Coast Migrant Head Start Project | | | 82041994 |
| Dade | Renea | Alexander; Buncombe; Burke; Catawba; Cleveland; Gaston; Haywood; Henderson; Iredell; Jackson; Lincoln; Macon; Rutherford; Swain; Transylvania; Watauga | South Western Child Development Commission Inc. | | | 82380803 |
| Davis | Stacy | Union | Independent | | | 81962107 |
| Fox | Melanie | Burke; McDowell | Child Care Connections of Burke County | | | 82352326 |
Primary CCHC | Gainey | Shawnda | Guilford | Guilford County Health Department | | | 9111127 |
| Glacken | Michelle | Anson; Cumberland; Hoke; Montgomery; Moore; Richmond; Robeson; Scotland | Partnership for Children of Cumberland County, Inc. | | | 81710267 |
CCHC | Hassell | Kristi | Beaufort; Hyde
| Martin Tyrrell Washington District Health | | | 1704706 |
| Heath | Amanda | Columbus | East Coast Migrant Head Start Project- Whiteville Campus | | | 81940544 |
| Humphrey | Megan | Union | Independent | | | 80740684 |
| James | Shariah | Lee | Lee County Partnership for Families and Children | | | 82410300 |
| LaCaruba | Jessica | Franklin; Granville; Vance
| Franklin Granville Vance Partnership for Children | | | 82443816 |
| Loy | Shannon | Carteret; Craven; Onslow | Independent | | | 81651950 |
| McClain | April | Burke; Clay; Cleveland; Rutherford | Southwestern Child Development Commission | | | 81912301 |
| McGilveary Allen | Margaret | Harnett; Johnston; Lee
| Johnston Lee Harnett Community Action | | | 82449798 |
| Moore-Raynor | Marquita | Hertford; Northampton | Hertford Northampton Smart Start | | | 81433203 |
| Prezioso | Sarah | Nash | Rocky Mount CDSA | | | 81590593 |
| Price | Jessica | Bladen; Brunswick; Carteret; Craven; Cumberland; Durham; Johnston; Onslow; Wake; Wilson | Independent | | | 81687172 |
| Smith | Paula | Cumberland; Durham; Greene; Hoke; Johnston; Lenoir; Nash; Pitt; Wake; Wilson | Independent | | | 81858457 |
| Smith | Jasmine | Edgecombe; Halifax; Nash; Warren; Wilson | Down East Partnership for Children | | | 82111935 |
| Snellings | Kristin | Alamance; Alexander; Alleghany; Anson; Ashe; Avery; Beaufort; Bertie; Bladen; Brunswick; Buncombe; Burke; Cabarrus; Caldwell; Camden; Carteret; Caswell; Catawba; Chatham; Cherokee; Chowan; Clay; Cleveland; Columbus; Craven; Cumberland; Currituck; Dare; Davidson; Davie; Duplin; Durham; Edgecombe; Forsyth; Franklin; Gaston; Gates; Graham; Granville; Greene; Guilford; Halifax; Harnett; Haywood; Henderson; Hertford; Hoke; Hyde; Iredell; Jackson; Johnston; Jones; Lee; Lenoir; Lincoln; McDowell; Macon; Madison; Martin; Mecklenburg; Mitchell; Montgomery; Moore; Nash; New Hanover; Northampton; Onslow; Orange; Pamlico; Pasquotank; Pender; Perquimans; Person; Pitt; Polk; Qualla Boundary ; Randolph; Richmond; Robeson; Rockingham; Rowan; Rutherford; Sampson; Scotland; Stanly; Stokes; Surry; Swain; Transylvania; Tyrrell; Union; Vance; Wake; Warren; Washington; Watauga; Wayne; Wilkes; Wilson; Yadkin; Yancey | Child Care Services Association | | | 81971569 |
| Sturdivant | Keetra | Anson; Cabarrus; Cumberland; Mecklenburg; Montgomery; Moore; Richmond; Stanly; Union; Wake | Independent | | | 81653338 |
| Teander | Christine | Wake | Independent | | | 81833420 |
Primary CCHC | Terry | Lisa | Wake | Wake County Health and Human Services | | | 0602501 |
Primary CCHC | Vick | Kathy | Halifax; Warren | Halifax-Warren Smart Start | | | 2205602 |
Primary CCHC | Watson | Tisshue | Mecklenburg | Mecklenburg County Health Department | | | 1203601 |
| Welch | Mary | Anson; Cumberland; Hoke; Montgomery; Moore; Richmond; Robeson; Scotland | Partnership for Children of Cumberland County | | | 81362008 |
| Willard | Allie | Surry | Surry County Health and Nutrition Center | | | 81853787 |
| Woodruff | Joyce | Wayne | NC Department of Health and Human Services | | | 81556678 |
CCHC | Gaddy | Katie | Mecklenburg | | | | 2105402 |