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E-Newsletter: Summer 2022, Volume 7, Issue 1 (Now Available in Spanish)

July 22, 2022

The Spanish version of our Summer 2022 newsletter “Caution: Children Eat Here” is now available. This issue includes information and resources to support and promote healthy and safe feeding and eating practices in the early care and education setting. Please help us share the Spanish version, “Volumen 7, Número 1: Precaución – Los niños comen aquí” with the Spanish-speaking early educators in your network.

Addressing infant formula shortage

May 20, 2022

Some families in North Carolina are facing challenges accessing infant formulas. These challenges are related to the February recall of certain Abbott infant formulas, the resulting increased demand for other brands of formula, and the lingering effects of supply issues during the pandemic. NC DHHS is sharing these recommendations and resources to help families access safe, healthy feeding options for their infants.
Infant Formula Fact Sheet for Families
Infant Formula Fact Sheet for Families – Spanish
Infant Formula Guidance for Health Care Providers
Infant Formula Choices for Families and Caregivers

Please share these resources with families in your early care and education programs!

North Carolina Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Designation

August 9, 2021

August is National Breastfeeding Month. We would like to share that The North Carolina Division of Public Health’s Nutrition Services Branch has announced that the North Carolina Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Designation (NC BFCCD) is now available and accepting applications.

    • Applicants can apply online by clicking here.
    • Also, see the article in the NC Department of Health and Human Services’ newsletter announcing the opening of the revised NC BFCCD application by clicking here.