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UNC’s NAPSACC Program Receives National Recognition as “Best Evidence for Impact” on Childhood Obesity

June 3, 2019

A recent brief by Healthy Eating Research, a national program of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, states that NAPSACC (Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care) has the “best evidence for impact” on obesity prevention in young children.

Developed by the Children’s Healthy Weight Research Group at the UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, NAPSACC is an evidence-based program with a proven track record of reducing childhood obesity risk. It guides child care providers through a five-step process to help them create environments that foster healthy eating and physical activity.

Read more!

May 2019 News from the Center for the Developing Child at Harvard

May 22, 2019

Check out May’s updates on the latest content, events, and more from the Center on the Developing Child! Included are:

  • A new, practical, how-to video that shows adults and children serving and returning. Serve and return interactions are fun, easy, and an excellent way to build a strong foundation in a child’s brain for future learning and development.
  • Based on the Center’s previously released full report, a new InBrief: Applying the Science of Child Development in Child Welfare Systems explores how insights can be used from cutting-edge science to improve the well-being and long-term life prospects of the most vulnerable children in society. Read more about how the following three principles can be used to apply the science to child welfare program and policy change and design, to improve practices and better serve children and adults.
    • Reduce sources of stress
    • Support responsive relationships
    • Strengthen core life skills

Learn more, read the Center’s May News!

NC Farm to Preschool News ~May

May 3, 2019

Check out the May News from the NC Farm to Preschool Network (NCF2PSN). The purpose of the Network is to connect, educate, develop, and share resources between community and state partners, farmers, early childhood educators, and families to spark the local foods movement in early childhood education environments. May news includes:

  • Farm to preschool in action at local early care and education programs
  • Info about growing sunflowers…..Let them Grow, Super Tall and Sunny!
  • Menus and recipes
  • Featured resources and more!

Spring 2019 E-News – The Joy of Feeding

April 29, 2019

The Joy of Feeding” Spring issue of the E-News includes:

  1. Feeding Young Children
  2. Supportive Environments for Breastfeeding in Child Care
  3. Food Allergies
  4. Pass the Peas, Please!
  5. Family-Style Dining in Child Care
  6. Calendar
  7. References

You can also access the issue in Spanish!

The NC Early Childhood Action Plan

February 28, 2019

Leaders from across the state in early childhood health, education and child welfare launched the NC Early Childhood Action Plan at a summit on Feb. 27 in Raleigh. The plan includes 10 statewide goals around early childhood health, development, and learning.

  • Goal 1: Healthy Babies
  • Goal 2: Preventive Health Services
  • Goal 3: Food Security
  • Goal 4: Safe and Secure Housing
  • Goal 5: Safe and Nurturing Relationships
  • Goal 6: Permanent Families for Children in Foster Care
  • Goal 7: Social-Emotional Health and Resilience
  • Goal 8: High-Quality Early Learning
  • Goal 9: On Track for School Success
  • Goal 10: Reading at Grade Level