Health and Safety Topics
Included on this page are links to child care health and safety topics. By clicking on each link you will learn about:
- how a child care health consultant can provide support
- featured initiatives and partners
- resources for further information
Caring for Our Children, (CFOC) is a collection of national standards that addresses all of the topics listed below. CFOC includes best practices for quality health and safety policies and practices for today’s early care and education settings.
Partner resources listed below are organized based on the National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness’s Child Care Health Consultant (CCHC) Competencies.
Subject Matter Area of Expertise
6. Illness and Infectious Diseases
7. Children with Special Health Care Needs
8. Medication Administration
9. Safety and Injury Prevention
10. Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
11. Infant and Child Social and Emotional Wellbeing
12. Child Abuse and Neglect
13. Nutrition and Physical Activity
14. Oral Health
15. Environmental Health
16. Staff Health and Wellness
7. Children with Special Health Care Needs
8. Medication Administration
9. Safety and Injury Prevention
10. Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
11. Infant and Child Social and Emotional Wellbeing
12. Child Abuse and Neglect
13. Nutrition and Physical Activity
14. Oral Health
15. Environmental Health
16. Staff Health and Wellness