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Working With a Child Care Health Consultant:

Child care health consultation is a voluntary and collaborative process between a child care program and a Child Care Health Consultant (CCHC).

Regional CCHCs | Infant Toddler CCHCs

  • The work of a CCHC includes:

  • Providing consultation, technical assistance, and/or training through email, telephone, and on-site visits to:
    • Increase the amount, quality, and sustainability of health and safety practices in the classroom
    • Address immediate health and/or safety concerns
  • Reviewing child health information such as immunization records and emergency action plans.
  • Using the NC Health and Safety Assessment and Encounter Tool (HSAET) to:
    • Document consultation and technical assistance encounters with a child care facility
    • Conduct health and safety observational assessments
    • Use a collaborative process to develop and implement a quality improvement plan.

  • Child care providers are responsible for:
    • Informing early educators and other staff if/when CCHCs services are being utilized.
    • Informing parents/guardians they are working with a CCHC to improve the safety and health of the facility, which may include record review.
    • Working collaboratively with the CCHC to implement agreed upon quality improvements.

  • Data is collected using the NC Health and Safety Assessment and Encounter Tool (HSAET)
  • All data is stored on a secure server housed by the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

    • Personal identifiable information of children is never collected.
    • Names of early educators are not collected in connection with classroom observational assessments. Names of early educators are collected if they are participants in a training but only for record keeping purposes.
    • Only the CCHCs that work in the county of service, their supervisors (for quality assurance purposes), and the staff at UNC Chapel Hill that provide administrative and technical support for the NC HSAET have access to the complete data set.
    • De-identified (anonymous) data is reported to program partners and funders.

    NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center Training Policy