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Standards of Practice for Active Child Care Health Consultants

Effective January 1, 2023

Child Care Health Consultants (CCHCs) are health professionals who have successfully completed the NC CCHC Course. Active CCHCs currently provide CCHC services in their community and meet the criteria outlined in this Standards of Practice document. CCHCs who meet the Standards of Practice have access to all of the NC Resource Center’s CCHC resources, receive coaching support from an NC CCHC Coach, and are listed as active on the NC CCHC registry (located here Find a CCHC), all at no cost to the CCHC.

Standards of Practice for active, CCHCs:

After successfully completing the NC CCHC Course, a CCHC must meet the following expectations on an ongoing basis to maintain status as an Active CCHC. CCHCs must attest to meeting these standards on the CCHC survey that is distributed annually in January. The NC Resource Center determines active status based on responses to the CCHC annual survey and verification of meeting the Standards of Practice throughout the year.

Active CCHCs must:

  1. Provide CCHC services to child care facilities through consultation, training, and technical assistance with fidelity to the NC CCHC Service Model
    • Minimum 200 hours/year or average of approximately four hours/week
  2. Participate in ongoing professional development opportunities that increase competency as a CCHC, as described by the National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness
    • At least 10 hours of professional development provided by the NC Resource Center and/or NC CCHC Association, annually
  3. Engage with a CCHC Coach at least once a quarter to discuss practice and set goals to maintain and increase competency
  4. Attend quarterly CCHC webinars offered by the NC Resource Center either in person or by viewing the webinar recording
  5. Access the NC CCHC Resource Portal to review weekly Friday emails and other content
  6. If providing training for contact hours, have one of the following documents current and on file with DCDEE:
  7. Share changes to contact information with NC Resource Center staff so that information posted on the NC CCHC Registry is current
  8. Respond to the CCHC annual survey distributed by the NC Resource Center every January
  9. Complete a Change of Status meeting with a CCHC Coach if/when changing positions

Active CCHCs should:

Additional standards recommended for all Active CCHCs and required by some funding agencies.

  1. Use the NC Health and Safety Assessment and Encounter Tool (HSAET) to enter encounters, assessments, training rosters, and quality improvement plans
  2. Develop and follow a logic model or similar plan that incorporates community-based priorities and goals
  3. Maintain membership with the NC CCHC Association and attend quarterly regional meetings
  4. Attend the NC CCHC annual conference
  5. Apply for and maintain CCHC Certification/Endorsement after one year of CCHC service
  6. Have a criminal background check on file

Reporting: CCHCs attest to meeting these standards in the annual CCHC survey administered in January. CCHC Coaches and the NC Resource Center staff will confirm presence at webinars and meetings based on attendance data and through coaching interactions. CCHCs are not required to provide additional documentation.

The NC Resource Center and State Child Care Nurse Consultant provide the following supports for Active CCHCs:

The NC Resource Center in partnership with the NC Division of Child and Family Well-Being’s State Child Care Nurse Consultant, provide the following for all Active CCHCs:

  1. Being listed on the NC CCHC registry as an Active CCHC
  2. Coaching, training, and technical assistance from a CCHC Coach
  3. Access to the NC CCHC Resource Portal which includes
    • Professional development, training, and TA materials
    • Weekly updates from the NC Resource Center
    • Ability to book a coaching session online
  4. Invitation to attend events hosted by the NC Resource Center including:
    • CCHC Learning Collaboratives
    • Webinars for CCHCs and supervisors
    • CCHC Annual Conference
  5. Access to and support with the NC Health and Safety Assessment and Encounter Tool (HSAET)
  6. Access to all courses for trainers administered by the NC Resource Center
  7. Access to order large quantities of health and safety posters at no cost

Professional Development

Attendance at NC CCHC and CCHC Association professional development (PD) opportunities listed here count towards meeting the 10 annual hours of PD to be an Active CCHC. CCHCs who successfully complete the NC CCHC Course in the prior calendar year automatically meet the 10-hour professional development requirement for that year.

Events per year Approximate hours per event Total hours
 CCHC Learning Collaboratives  4  3  12
 CCHC Quarterly Webinars  4  1  4
 Regional CCHC Association Meetings  4  2  8
 CCHC Annual Conference  1  10  10


CCHCs leaving their CCHC position

If a CCHC anticipates a change in their employment status, they should contact their CCHC Coach to determine if they will continue to be an Active CCHC and listed on the NC CCHC registry.

Former CCHCs who want to regain Active CCHC status

  • A former, Active CCHC who has worked as a CCHC or taken the NC CCHC Course in the last three years must contact the CCHC Coach in their region to determine how they can regain their Active CCHC status
  • A former Active CCHC who has neither worked as a CCHC nor taken the NC CCHC Course in the last three years will be expected to re-take the NC CCHC Course to be added back to the NC CCHC registry

I have reviewed the standards of practice outlined in this document and understand that I must continue to meet these standards to remain an Active CCHC.


Reviewed February 2024