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Do you worry about the number of diapers and wipes children use in child care?

It is a rule!

  • A child’s diaper must be changed when wet or soiled. [1]

It is best practice!

  • A child’s diaper should be changed at least every 2 hours. [3]

Only one disposable wipe can be used per swipe. A fresh wipe is then used to wipe the teacher’s hands and then another wipe for the child’s hands. This is done prior to handwashing. [2] [4]

These rules and practices help prevent diaper rash and help children stay clean and healthy.


For early educators, this flyer can be given to enrolled families or posted as a reminder for families.

One Wipe Per Swipe Flyer for Parents [DOC]


1] 10A NCAC 09 .0806. NC Child Care Rules.

2] 15A NCAC 18A .2819. NC Sanitation of Child Care Center Rules.

3] Caring for Our Children Standard Checking for the Need to Change Diapers

4] Caring for Our Children Standard Diaper Changing Procedure