Sample Policies
These sample policies are meant to be adapted to meet the needs of the facility where they are implemented. Contact a local Child Care Health Consultant for guidance implementing a policy.
- Confidentiality
- Immunization
- Medication Administration
- NC Medication Administration Policy
- Note: Contact a CCHC for training and technical assistance in implementing a Medication Administration Policy.
- Safe Sleep*
- Shaken Baby*
- Tobacco Free*
- Tobacco Free Child Care Center Policy | Normas de prohibición total de consumo de productos del tabaco en establecimientos de cuidado infantil
- Tobacco Free Policy Child Care Family Child Care Home Policy | Normas de prohibición total de consumo de productos del tabaco en hogar de cuidado infantil familiar de cuidado infantil
- Tooth Brushing
For additional policies: Model Child Care Health Policies 5th Edition published by the Academy of Pediatrics in October 2013.
*Policies that are required by NC Child Care Rules.